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500 Years Act 1 Download Kickass Rar


Updated: Mar 24, 2020

About This Game The Earth was dying and humanity boarded ships to colonize the stars. These ships were named after the wonders of the ancient world: The Giza, The Alexandria, The Rhodes and finally, The Artemis.The Artemis landed and set up a colony on an Earth-like moon. Then the Ants, an insectoid species, came and enslaved the colony. All hope was lost.Years later you were born in the Artemis colony and joined the resistance against the Ants.One day the Ants suddenly left your colony for unknown reasons. The Proctor of your colony tasked you with finding the ancient Artemis colony ship. Among the wreckage you found the captain's yacht; and it still works! You and your crew take to the stars to find the other humans, if they are still out there. 500 years after the destruction of Earth...500 Years is an old school episodic space opera. The game is an adventure where you explore different star systems and meet the inhabitants, some friendly, and some not so friendly.Story driven space adventureArcade style combat with non-traditional ship controlsExplore solar systemsMeet alien racesEquip your ship based upon the type of enemyFight huge bossesThe story will be concluded in Act 2; DLC coming soon. a09c17d780 Title: 500 Years Act 1Genre: Adventure, Indie, RPGDeveloper:Poorwill GamesPublisher:Poorwill GamesRelease Date: 15 Apr, 2015 500 Years Act 1 Download Kickass Rar 500 years act 1. 500 years act 1 WOAH, HAMMER NICE !!!!!NICE STORY, COME KIND OF STAR CONTROL 2 FEEL IN ANOTHER SETTING.I story is very intressting, and as you see, I started and got stick to it 1,4 hours, so it is not that bad, as the grafix look.and the bad part is the grafix, but behind it the story is NICE. The fighting is intressting and you can retry a new strategy after failure.I would give it 4 STARS.Going to play it in a silent second through :) and wait for the second part!. Not impressed. Combat is pretty awful, trying to turn around and slowly fire blobs at enemy ships. Artwork is crude at best. Pity, some of my favourite old games had a lot in common with this, just that they were realised properly.. Bad story, bad graphics, bad bgm.How this game gathered to many bad things together?I dont recommend it, its just bad, if you got the game on a bundle / free, just get the cards don't even bother trying to play it.Just adding another red brick to the red wall.It is worst than the worst games from 90's and yet they sell for a lot less than this game.. This game is mind numbingly bad in almost every possible way.Storyline is childish and poorly written and since it's completely text based the spelling and grammar mistakes are just glaringly obvious. (I wouldn't care that it's text based, but get someone to check your spelling and grammar, please)It acts like you have some freedom, but you really don't; the story is linear, you move your ship in a very straight forward planet to planet progression or you fail. Most of your time is spent reading background story for each planet or hailing new people just to listen to them spout drivel that is poorly written and just has no value to what your goals are.You'll meet a new species and get pages of text that amount to: "We are is the guys that do crawl from water aned will be the eating you todday, ok? Do you agree?"You either agree and the game ends, or you fight. Rinse and repeat for about 2 hours until the game is over. I'm not joking. Short game filled with bad dialogue, linear hand holding and nothing of real interest happens. Oh, and to add insult to injury, the combat mechanics are stupid.Before each fight you pick a simplistic loadout. Would you like to use shield 1, 2 or 3 today? Would you like to use computer 1, 2 or 3 today? Would you like to use engine 1, 2 or 3 today? Again: not joking, this is what the equipment in the game is called. The only minor attempt at strategy comes from picking which weapon you will use, either short, medium or long range and through trial and error (fail and reload) you'll figure out which weapon type works against each alien race. The problem is it just doesn't matter, once you die and figure out you need a different weapon type you just kind of win. There's no strategy beyond that involved. You don't even have control over shooting in this game. Combat is just floating in a direction while aiming, the ship autofires for you at whatever enemy you select. If you have the right weapon to hit their speed and flight pattern you'll win, if you don't you will fail, change weapons and try again. And that's the entire game. Bad writing in a childish storyline punctuated by boring combat and lackluster strategy choices; and even if it was a good game (and it's not), it's so short you'll barely notice it exists. If you see me with more than 2 hours played on this game it's because I decided to idle it and get the steam cards, or I'm drunk and hate myself enough to get 100% achievements just to prove I can. If you want a real testiment to how bad this game is, take one look at the world statistics for achievement completion. The achievement with the highest completion rating is 4%. That means 96% of the people who own this game do not complete the very first achievement.You can reach the first achievment (a boy and his goat) after playing less than 5 minutes of the game and without effort or combat, all you need to do is click through some storyline and fly to the very first planet (the only one on your map, you can't miss it). That means 96% of the people who own this game have not even played it for 5 minutes.Those people were smart enough to see how bad the game was and just shut it off. I hate myself enough to keep playing longer than that, but I don't recommend anyone else be this much of a masocist. Just to add further insult to those who buy it: the game asks you from the moment you launch it whether you want to play act 1 or act 2. The developers never bothered to make act 2. So even pretending this was a good game, it was half a game and then abandoned and it will remind you of this every time you start it up. So even forcing yourself to "finish" puts you half way through this very bad story that never ends.This is one of those games that make steam look bad for even allowing it to be sold in the store.EDIT: This game currently has 6 positive reviews out of 56, but the store page summary at the top says it only has 6 reviews total and won't post it's positive\/mixed\/negative summary. (which should be glaringly negative). I don't see Act 2 anywhere on Steam and it's no wonder. I won't comment how this game looks but screenshots section doesn't like something you would want to buy and play. This game is just boring and everything you do: "exploring", fighting, following story and even looking at it makes you feel pain. Saying that there will be Act 2 for this feels like even dev got bored with "500 years" and just released this game unfinished. Don't buy it, and if you somehow own it- don't waste your time on it.. Before i even beginned the whole game, i already saw by the "intro" that it was going to be tough ride, so get your seatbelts on.Lets start by the storyline.Storyline is about humans who seem to be taken free from ants tyranny. Yes, indeed."Resistance" comes and tries to find and kill the ants, as an revenge.Around your painful journey, you travel accross planets and talk to the people in there.The story feels like its written by a 9-year old. The whole crew is♥♥♥♥♥♥ especially the edgy woman.Then, the combat and upgradesUpgrades were cool, they gave little bit of things or fun, which this game had already enough.But the combat.Even when you fully upradge everything, the combat feels♥♥♥♥♥♥ Turning is bad, and when you are supposed to shoot? Oh boy. Ship is ugly as hell. But why would anyone use combat when you can die 2 times and then skip the whole thing?It seems like the developers realized too that combat was♥♥♥♥♥♥ so they added skip-button to appear after 2 deaths.The pokemon-stylish random encounter when going on star map was the most frustrating one.The battles were same, the ships were same, and, believe me, you died 2 times like i did too just to skip that annoying piece of♥♥♥♥♥♥encounterOverall rating: 2/10Dont even bother, you can buy many good games with this games price, but this isnt the one.. Wow. Just Wow.I really dont know what else to say. I completely understand that this is an independent game and a low budget title. I can certainly forgive the poor graphics. However, the writing is absolutely horrendous and the gameplay is ... well absolutely horrendous. The controls make no sense and are extremely awkward. Getting your ship to face the direction you want is nearly impossible. There is no depth to the combat, which is merely an exercise in trying to keep your ship pointed at the bad guys (which is more difficult than you would think).Interesting concept but very poorly executed.


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